


7、Write the list of works cited, using the APA format. A paraphrase of an idea from page 121 of Writing Space: The Computer; Hypertext, and the History of Writing, by Jay David Bolter. This 1991 book was published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates of Hillsdale, New Jersey. Which of the following is correct for the author’s name?

A、Bolter, J.D

B、Jay, D. Bolter

C、J.D. Bolter

D、Bolter, Jay David


8、Write the list of works cited, using the APA format. A quotation from page 78 of an article by Bart Kosko and Satorn Isaka from the July 1993 issue of Scientific American, a monthly publication. The article is entitled "Fuzzy Logic" and appears on pages 76 to 81 in volume 239, of the journal. Which of the following is the correct format for the volume and pager number?

A、Scientific American, 239, 78

B、Scientific American, 239: 76-81

C、Scientific American, 239, 76-81

D、Scientific American, 239, 76-81.


9、Bohren, M. A., G. J. Hofmeyr, C. Sakala, R. K. Fukuzawa, and A. Cuthbert. (2017). Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017(7). https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858 .CD003766.pub6 Errors made in this entry include _________.

A、issue number

B、doi number

C、authors’ names

D、the word “and”


10、Perrey, S. (2017). Do we perform better when we increase red blood cells? The Lancet Haematology, 17, 2352-3026. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3026(17)30123-0. Retrieved August 23, 2018.What information is NOT needed in this entry?

A、The doi number

B、The date of retrieval

C、The page range




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